
Thank you for stopping by my blog,i really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.My purpose of getting this blog was mainly because i was inspired by one of my friends who had a blog and i must say i was not only affected but it touched my heart she felt sharing her life experience or getting her voice heard through her blog gave her alot of confidence and also high self esteem about herself.And i said to myself? why not do the same after all i write alot in my journal so much that i feel i needed to share,explain to make ur self just to feel real good.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Precious Time!!

Time is so precious. It is one thing that can never be recovered. It waits for no one. It’s either you grab it or you lose it. Time operates on no one’s schedule and is not a respecter of anyone. Every second lost would eventually become days, months and years lost. That’s why the Psalmist asked the Lord to teach him to use his days and time wisely.

So many people waste their time doing absolutely nothing. I mean, at the end of the day, they can’t really say they have done anything significant. They can’t really say they have achieved something that will move their lives or other peoples lives forward. They go through each and every day like they can easily turn back the hands of time and start all over again. It’s really sad because, it’s not like God doesn’t want to move in our lives but sometimes we’re the ones hindering Him by doing unprofitable things which distract us from our real purpose. It’s not like God said you must spend every waking moment in His presence because He knows that’s not possible as we all have stuff to do. Some have to go to work, while others have to go to school, take care of children, and other important stuff. But He wants us to spend every second we have walking in line with His plan for our lives.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to sit back, relax and have fun but don’t overdo it. Some spend endless hours jumping from one party to another and achieve nothing out of it. It’s awesome to celebrate with people but when it becomes your full time job, then there’s an issue. Some live on their phones permanently and say all the things they should and should not say. I used to do that and I prayed it out of my system and now I’m able to ignore calls if my spirit does not approve of it. Not being rude or arrogant but if the call is not going to add anything to my life, I would rather just let it be. When I notice that after speaking to someone a few times on the phone and they really have nothing of value to add to my life, I quietly excuse myself. Also I noticed recently, some people have become facebook shareholders and have pitched their tents and built mansions on it. At all hours, they are there. They update their status every second and I wonder if they have anything of value to do with their time. They mind other peoples business like they are paid to do so.

There are so many things we do that we think are useful but, are actually really useless and time wasters. Sometimes, it’s not like you want to sit and do nothing but you just don’t know where to start or what else to do. I used to spend endless hours on the internet doing absolutely nothing and when I realized it was becoming an obsession, I made it a point to turn my computer off when I’m done. By doing that, I end up finding something more profitable to do. I know it’s tempting to just sit in front of the television the whole day but to be honest, at the end of the day, there’s this emptiness inside of you because you can’t really point at anything useful you’ve done that day. With all of the extra time on your hands, you can study the word, pray, listen to sermons, read inspirational and motivational books, go to the gym, clean your house, be creative and strategize your next move that will catapult your destiny.

I always tell a sister of mine that it is those that have nothing to do that keep facebook busy 24/7, 365 days a year. It is those that have nothing important to do with their time, that notice someone offended them and grumble about it from morning till night. It is jobless people that spend hours on end talking about absolute nonsense on the phone all day and everyday. Trust me, if you have goals to fulfill, there are so many things that will not even cross your mind to do, because your eyes are on the goal ahead of you. Those that want to fulfill their destinies are not time wasters. To them, every second counts.

All in all, there are so many profitable things that one can do, you just have to connect to God and allow Him to lead you. By doing that, you are walking on the right path and fulfilling your destiny. But remember, it’s not how fast you finish but how well. Whatever you notice takes up most of your time and you know it’s not profitable, ask God to help you deal with it. He is always waiting for us to pour our hearts out to Him. Always remember – “Every day lost, is an opportunity lost.”



It’s funny how Christians stress over issues, even though they confess the Word daily. I say it’s funny because you have been given that free gift of salvation all by the mercy and grace of God, meaning, you have direct access to the King of Kings but yet at every slight uncomfortable moment, you stress and stress everyone around you. Seriously people, we proclaim and declare to the world that we are children of God but forget that when we encounter difficult situations.

My brother who is not even a born again Christian told me yesterday that” you know what Ore, I’ve learned not to stress over stuff anymore because God has a way of showing up and sorting it out.” I was so ecstatic because He is not going around quoting scriptures and praying all the prayers and screaming in tongues but He knows the power of God. But those that claim to know the power of God, don’t even know the God they serve. It’s really in those situations that, who you really are is revealed. I used to stress a lot over every tiny thing and will follow it up with doses of crying but glory be to God, I told my Pastor the other day that I don’t do it anymore. When everyone around me is anxious and worrying, just like my brother said, I take each day as it comes because you have enough to deal with in one day for you to start thinking about the next. When you look at what other people are going through, you thank God because you realize yours is minor.

Don’t say you have prayed, fasted or gone for deliverance. And so? That doesn’t mean God has to move immediately Sarah or John open their mouths and call on His name. If that happens, He will not be known as the Mysterious God anymore. He’ll become the Predictable God. God moves when and how He wants to but He is never late. God is too deep, too wide, and too broad for anyone to try to squeeze into a book and explain His character or how He does His things. That’s why even though the bible was written thousands of years ago, everyday, people receive different interpretations to what the Word is saying. So by looking at that, you can’t really understand God’s ways. All He asks you to do is just follow Him in faith, not knowing what He’s going to do next or how or when but just believing that He will arise for your sake.

It’s time to get over that crying and worrying and just focus on the awesomeness of God. Stop giving yourself unnecessary assignments by trying to figure out how, when or what God is going to do next. Why don’t you just enjoy being in His presence because when worry and anxiety set in, fear walks in and faith jumps out. When faith jumps out, it disconnects you temporarily from receiving from heaven because your mind can’t focus on God. All you see are the obstacles before you and not God. Try to grasp what God has for you each day, because each day is a learning process. Open your mind to receive from Him no matter where you are. Let your spirit be at alert because you never know how He’s going to speak to you next. Pray inquiry prayers to know God’s mind concerning the issue and ask for the grace to be obedient to what He has to say. It’s easy to say be obedient but it is really by the grace of God that you can be obedient to Him at all times. Stop beating yourself up unnecessarily and just enjoy your everyday life to the glory of God.

And lastly, remember “God loves you more than you can ever imagine and He will never leave you nor forsake you.” Jeremiah 29:11


Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Your Life,Nobody Is Perfect!!!

In life i have come to realize that we all make mistakes and it true that you learn from it..Sumtimes you ask yourself why did you go out with that guy?, or why did you hang out with such a back stabbing friend? so many questions u can ask yourself but i sit here today and tell you this;In life you have to experience all those because i believe we are always been tested and thougth a lesson.That is what i always convince why self with.So you sit back and wonder why all these cruel things happen to you remmeber its not the end of the world,like myself ive been through so much in my life to the point sumtymes u wish u neva woke up the next day.Ive had heart breaks over heart breaks ive had friends betray me ive been thru so much family wise,wat ever u can call it but i had to face reality and stood up to understand that without u been strong or confident that the storm wud pas you by it would crush you dpwn slowlyyy! and best believe it you will find yourself back at the same situation not been able to stop it at first.What is my point here? i that life is full of mistakes,drama,hate whatever name you want to call it.how to be happy in these life is left to you u are in control of the steering wheel in ur life if u drive to the rigth ur life would be driven to the rigth ..these are my views opinions on life remmeber you are in control. :)


Friday, November 12, 2010


I know what the  heart feels when it hurts and aches,I know how it feels when i weep and cry out of pain I know what the heart  is like when it still has scars that still haven,t healed after  many years and new scars rare created making  it harder to heal.I know I know too well when the heart feels broken and aches I know what it feels like to be a fool and not even know it.I know what it feels like when you  regret knowing a human that makes your heart hurt even when it has burdens.I noe how the heart feels when it bleeds.I know what it feels like when the same bad cycle happens over and over again to you.I know why the heart feels lonely n unappreciated I know why  the heart feels unloved and not cared for I  know why the heart  feels decieved and lied to.I KNOW I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!


Lets talk about Relationships!

Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something. They're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take. The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are and how you present who we are. i have learned that a healthy relationship is nothing more than numerous arguments. An unhealthy relationship is nothing more than hiding your real feelings and pretending.
                                            A deadness occurs in relationships when people are no longer willing to tell each other how they really feel and just keep everything balled up, and it all becomes more than what it once used to be and that leads to being lonely because they built a wall rather than building a bridge.Whenever you're in conflict with someone there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude and how you go about handling the situation. things are always getting blamed in a relationship of how someone feels, no one makes you feel anything. It is how you react and respond that determines your emotions and the outcome of the situation.
                                           Blaming someone for how you feel is the same as judging them. When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself and what you really are doing is looking at your self through another person. I've learned in my lifetime so far that you can't help who you fall for and no matter how hard you try and how much it hurts you everyday that you just wanna be with them or just talk to them you never stop trying to make them happy by the little things you say or do because thats what makes your life worth going on for.
                                               i have also learned It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others. learning to love your self is number one then loving someone else come like second nature.Words of wisdom... the more connections you and your love one make, not just between each other but, between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.


Why it aint working!

 At the beginning of most relationships, people are in love, also referred to as New Relationship Energy, or NRE. The NRE makes everything seem perfect. Because of it, people will be excited and in love and they don't show their flaws. Each person wants to impress the other person, so they act better than they really are. Just like you do for a job interview, you will act the best you can. The NRE makes everything great from around 3 months to 2 years, depending on how in love you are.
Problems can pop up when the NRE wears off. The hardest part is that the NRE usually ends for one person earlier than the other. For example, the NRE might wear off for one person after 6 months, but the other might last 2 years. It's so hard because the person who is still excited about the other person wonders what happened and why their partner isn't excited about them anymore. The relationship often ends right there, or big fights start.
                                   If you both stop being excited about the relationship at the same time, it's easier. It helps when you know what NRE is and can tell when it's wearing off. You still love each other, but you don't have as much excitement for each other. Therefore, you are not willing to please each other as much as you did before. You both start acting like your real selves, and you both start seeing things you don't like about the other person.
When the NRE was still there, you would want to do things for your partner and do them automatically. When you don't have NRE, you have to consciously decide to do things for your partner. People who have been married for a long time know this very well. A positive thing about NRE is that it creates good habits when two people treat each other well. If the couple is smart, they will continue to do the things they did when they were in love, but now they do them consciously.

All Our Lives

In our daily lives, we share common experiences with friends, coworkers, lovers, and complete strangers we cross on the street.  But these experiences are rarely as similar as we expect them to be.
A man and a woman may share a moment.  To her, it’s a gesture of romantic interest, but to him it’s just a friendly, intelligent conversation.  A mother may discipline her teenage son.  To the mother, it’s good parenting, but to her son, it’s oppression.  Two Web 2.0 startup founders may work tirelessly to design a new social networking platform.  To one, the project is about helping people communicate more effectively. To the other, it’s about breaking new technological ground.
We all have different needs, different perspectives, and thus different means for understanding and describing our experiences.  This is why we rarely have the same exact interpretation of a shared experience.
These differences are often cited as the reason relationships don’t work. “We just weren’t meant to be together,” a woman might say.  “My mom doesn’t understand,” a teenager might say.  “Our vision doesn’t seem to be compatible,” one startup founder might say about the other.
But that’s just an easy out. And it’s oftentimes dead wrong.  Such differences can be precisely the reason relationships do work.
                                  If that woman wasn’t initially disappointed by that man, they probably wouldn’t be business partners and good friends today.  If that teenager wasn’t disciplined and nurtured by his mother, he may have decided to get into the car with his drunken friends the night they wrapped it around a telephone pole.  If one startup founder didn’t focus on technology and the other didn’t focus on people, their vision and their work would be far more limited.
It’s important that we see things differently.  Because when our different visions eventually mesh together…
