It’s funny how Christians stress over issues, even though they confess the Word daily. I say it’s funny because you have been given that free gift of salvation all by the mercy and grace of God, meaning, you have direct access to the King of Kings but yet at every slight uncomfortable moment, you stress and stress everyone around you. Seriously people, we proclaim and declare to the world that we are children of God but forget that when we encounter difficult situations.
My brother who is not even a born again Christian told me yesterday that” you know what Ore, I’ve learned not to stress over stuff anymore because God has a way of showing up and sorting it out.” I was so ecstatic because He is not going around quoting scriptures and praying all the prayers and screaming in tongues but He knows the power of God. But those that claim to know the power of God, don’t even know the God they serve. It’s really in those situations that, who you really are is revealed. I used to stress a lot over every tiny thing and will follow it up with doses of crying but glory be to God, I told my Pastor the other day that I don’t do it anymore. When everyone around me is anxious and worrying, just like my brother said, I take each day as it comes because you have enough to deal with in one day for you to start thinking about the next. When you look at what other people are going through, you thank God because you realize yours is minor.
Don’t say you have prayed, fasted or gone for deliverance. And so? That doesn’t mean God has to move immediately Sarah or John open their mouths and call on His name. If that happens, He will not be known as the Mysterious God anymore. He’ll become the Predictable God. God moves when and how He wants to but He is never late. God is too deep, too wide, and too broad for anyone to try to squeeze into a book and explain His character or how He does His things. That’s why even though the bible was written thousands of years ago, everyday, people receive different interpretations to what the Word is saying. So by looking at that, you can’t really understand God’s ways. All He asks you to do is just follow Him in faith, not knowing what He’s going to do next or how or when but just believing that He will arise for your sake.
It’s time to get over that crying and worrying and just focus on the awesomeness of God. Stop giving yourself unnecessary assignments by trying to figure out how, when or what God is going to do next. Why don’t you just enjoy being in His presence because when worry and anxiety set in, fear walks in and faith jumps out. When faith jumps out, it disconnects you temporarily from receiving from heaven because your mind can’t focus on God. All you see are the obstacles before you and not God. Try to grasp what God has for you each day, because each day is a learning process. Open your mind to receive from Him no matter where you are. Let your spirit be at alert because you never know how He’s going to speak to you next. Pray inquiry prayers to know God’s mind concerning the issue and ask for the grace to be obedient to what He has to say. It’s easy to say be obedient but it is really by the grace of God that you can be obedient to Him at all times. Stop beating yourself up unnecessarily and just enjoy your everyday life to the glory of God.
And lastly, remember “God loves you more than you can ever imagine and He will never leave you nor forsake you.” Jeremiah 29:11
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