
Thank you for stopping by my blog,i really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.My purpose of getting this blog was mainly because i was inspired by one of my friends who had a blog and i must say i was not only affected but it touched my heart she felt sharing her life experience or getting her voice heard through her blog gave her alot of confidence and also high self esteem about herself.And i said to myself? why not do the same after all i write alot in my journal so much that i feel i needed to share,explain to make ur self just to feel real good.


Friday, November 12, 2010


I know what the  heart feels when it hurts and aches,I know how it feels when i weep and cry out of pain I know what the heart  is like when it still has scars that still haven,t healed after  many years and new scars rare created making  it harder to heal.I know I know too well when the heart feels broken and aches I know what it feels like to be a fool and not even know it.I know what it feels like when you  regret knowing a human that makes your heart hurt even when it has burdens.I noe how the heart feels when it bleeds.I know what it feels like when the same bad cycle happens over and over again to you.I know why the heart feels lonely n unappreciated I know why  the heart feels unloved and not cared for I  know why the heart  feels decieved and lied to.I KNOW I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!


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