
Thank you for stopping by my blog,i really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.My purpose of getting this blog was mainly because i was inspired by one of my friends who had a blog and i must say i was not only affected but it touched my heart she felt sharing her life experience or getting her voice heard through her blog gave her alot of confidence and also high self esteem about herself.And i said to myself? why not do the same after all i write alot in my journal so much that i feel i needed to share,explain to make ur self just to feel real good.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Why it aint working!

 At the beginning of most relationships, people are in love, also referred to as New Relationship Energy, or NRE. The NRE makes everything seem perfect. Because of it, people will be excited and in love and they don't show their flaws. Each person wants to impress the other person, so they act better than they really are. Just like you do for a job interview, you will act the best you can. The NRE makes everything great from around 3 months to 2 years, depending on how in love you are.
Problems can pop up when the NRE wears off. The hardest part is that the NRE usually ends for one person earlier than the other. For example, the NRE might wear off for one person after 6 months, but the other might last 2 years. It's so hard because the person who is still excited about the other person wonders what happened and why their partner isn't excited about them anymore. The relationship often ends right there, or big fights start.
                                   If you both stop being excited about the relationship at the same time, it's easier. It helps when you know what NRE is and can tell when it's wearing off. You still love each other, but you don't have as much excitement for each other. Therefore, you are not willing to please each other as much as you did before. You both start acting like your real selves, and you both start seeing things you don't like about the other person.
When the NRE was still there, you would want to do things for your partner and do them automatically. When you don't have NRE, you have to consciously decide to do things for your partner. People who have been married for a long time know this very well. A positive thing about NRE is that it creates good habits when two people treat each other well. If the couple is smart, they will continue to do the things they did when they were in love, but now they do them consciously.

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